Exclusive ARD interview Semenya wants to become President of World Athletics

Exclusive ARD interview Semenya wants to become President of World Athletics Stand: 08.08.2024 08:08 Uhr In an exclusive interview with ARD, two-time Olympic champion Caster Semenya announces in Paris that she wants to run for president of World Athletics. Two-time 800 metre Olympic champion Caster Semenya is aiming for the presidency of the international athletics
Exclusive ARD interview
                    Semenya wants to become President of World Athletics

Die südafrikanische Läuferin Caster Semenya

Exclusive ARD interview
Semenya wants to become President of World Athletics

Stand: 08.08.2024 08:08 Uhr

In an exclusive interview with ARD, two-time Olympic champion Caster Semenya announces in Paris that she wants to run for president of World Athletics.

Two-time 800 metre Olympic champion Caster Semenya is aiming for the presidency of the international athletics association World Athletics, the South African told ARD in an exclusive interview in Paris.

“I’m working on my candidacy for the presidency, I like to challenge people who don’t care about athletes’ rights,” said Semenya (33): “I understand the importance of sport. I understand that I have to put the athletes first. It’s not about me. It should be about serving the athletes. It should be about protecting them. It should be about making sure that all athletes are treated equally.”

The Briton Sebastian Coe is currently President of World Athletics. He has already served two terms in office and is therefore not eligible for re-election for a third time in 2027 according to the association’s rules. Sports officials are usually tactical when it comes to announcing their candidacy for leadership positions. Other candidates for Coe’s successor have not yet announced their interest.

Leichtathletik-Weltverbandspräsident Sebastian Coe.

Leichtathletik-Weltverbandspräsident Sebastian Coe.

Coe, 67, took office in 2015 as the successor to Senegalese Lamine Diack, who had to step down due to allegations of corruption. Coe himself had worked for years as vice president in Diack’s system.

“Of course I can get enough support”

According to the rules of World Athletics, Semenya has not been allowed to take part in international competitions for years because her natural testosterone level has been too high. The organisation cites studies that intersex athletes like Semenya have a competitive advantage as a result. Semenya is convinced that she can bring about important changes at the head of the world federation, especially as there are already too few women in leading positions in world sport.

“Of course I can get enough support for this. When you run for office, you have to have a vision. You can’t make promises in an election campaign that you can’t keep, that aren’t realisable or unrealistic. I believe that if I take this approach, I will get a lot of support.”

Dieses Thema im Programm: Das Erste | Sportschau Olympia 2024 | 26.07.2024 | 18:00 Uhr

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